Two Spoons
by Hayley Hudson on March 16, 2011
1021 Pearl St / Menu
After a walk to campus in 65 degree temperatures while wearing jeans, boots, and several sweatshirts still managed to shake my entire body with chills, I had to face the truth: intruders had entered my system. A firm believer in home remedies, I knew soup could correct my ailment, so I headed to Two Spoons.
Two Spoons
Their restaurant is named as such because during the summer they serve gelato, and come winter they serve soup. Instead of choosing one or the other and accepting seasonal declines in sales, Two Spoons laughs in the face of nature and serves up spoonable sustenance appropriate for any weather circumstance. Tuesday’s sunny, clear skies drew a crowd at Ben and Jerry’s, so I was lucky that it had been deemed cold enough for soup to remain on the menu.
When a place serves primarily soup and gelato, I expect it to be really excellent soup and gelato, and though I can’t speak for Two Spoons’ cold creamy stuff, outstanding soup awaits any visitor to this establishment. Have you noticed the way soup from a can never fails to resemble every other can you’ve cracked, even across brands? I feel betrayed if a restaurant soup produces the same phenomenon, but the remarkable freshness of my Peruvian Potato and Pinto Bean bowl erased any potential soup identity crisis. Crisp and slightly spicy, the flavor wasn’t one I felt could be easily replicated.
Peruvian Potato and Pinto Bean; cornbread
My weakened state stifled my usual zest for food adventure, and though my choice completely satisfied me, I’d like to return with a stronger stomach and order the Duck and Kale soup. The offbeat poultry and veggie blend seemed to be a customer favorite judging by the prolific requests put in at the order counter.
Customers also have the option to add a sandwich to their soup, and while sandwiches aren’t “spoon” food, they make a welcome addition to the menu and ensure that visitors leave with full bellies. That said, my soup sans sandwich surprised me with its heartiness, and I declare it a full meal on its own. It made me feel better, too.
I can only hope this creative solution to the soup/ice cream/weather conundrum brings in enough cash to keep it going. I would hate to see the cute spoon door handle disappear, so go get some soup! (Or gelato). Two Spoons takes $.10 off your order if you bring your own spoon—no discount if you just like to spoon.
Pizzeria da Lupo
by Andrew Woodman on March 14, 2011
2525 Arapahoe Avenue
Boulder, Colorado 80302
Pizzeria da Lupo’s menu/info
I have never been so wrong about a prejudgement as I was when Pizzeria da Lupo boasted their “$25,000 wood-fired oven” at the same time as their “unpretentious setting…” They truly pull off their completely down to earth atmosphere, even with that $$$$ oven.
I stumbled into this place after studying so hard that I forgot to eat lunch. Little did I know, this was to my advantage. They have a daily happy hour from 3-6PM, which definitely offers some of the best food deals in Boulder.
I got a Tricolore salad [$3 happy hour, $6 non-happy hour] which was pretty decently sized. If you speak any romantic language, the name gives it all away: three colors…of lettuce. One is light green iceberg, another is the darker green arugula, and because i’m not a lettuce connoisseur…the last one I’ll call “that purple lettuce.” This was all tossed in a tangy, slightly salted red wine vinaigrette. I really only ordered this to balance out my daily food pyramid, and the balance was good.
Although they don’t offer pizza by the slice, my Margherita Pizza was only $6 [$10 during non]. SIX DOLLARS for a 12″ pizza. The deal is so mind boggling that it seriously limits my vocabulary to just one word: amazing. Not only that, but my pizza did fairly well on the “pizza test,” where you test crispy versus soggy by holding just the crust to see how much the rest of the pizza dangles (less dangle = good; more dangle = bad). The wood-fired oven gave a slight crisp finish to contrast the heavier, yet perfectly cooked/melted toppings. Also, it was the perfect temperature to eat right away (an uncommon feature) without burning the roof of my mouth. This painful peel is what dentists professionally label a “pizza burn.” Even though I usually eat my crust just because I’m not one to leave any half-eaten food on my plate, Pizzeria da Lupo’s crust was truly, extraordinarily delicious. The perfect crust is a food of its own.
I’ve read a few reviews on Yelp about people complaining about burnt pizza, and while I can see how slight burning could take place, I can’t imagine an awesome pizzeria like da Lupo serving anyone a completely charred pizza. Unless, that is, they requested it (some people like it that way). After all, a wood-fired pizza is kind of like a marshmallow, some people like them perfectly browned and some love the carcinogens that come along with the whole thing going up into flames and then quickly blowing it out so that it is just “perfectly” cooked. To each his own; so maybe if you are picky, or just aren’t used to a wood-fired oven, just request exactly what you want to your server, and I’ll guarantee they cooperate with you. They are some of the nicest, most personable people that I have ever talked to during a meal. It might have even been my best conversation all day, and that isn’t me just basking in my own self pity of befriending restaurant waitstaff…we had quality conversation. Having said all of this, my pizza—without request—was cooked perfectly, and didn’t have any char. Basically the service is so good that it seems like they can read minds.
Now that I’m done contesting all the people who are simply wrong on Yelp, I shall continue with da Lupo’s awesomeness. Since it was available, and since I want to keep representing them, I obviously got my favorite beer: Dales Pale Ale by Oskar Blues [$3 happy hour, $4 non]. Da Lupo carries a few other beers on their refined list, including Shiner Bock and Moretti on tap.
When I finished up my meal, I was pretty full. I told my waitress that after she started to tell me about dessert options, but I listened anyway. It’s not that she coaxed me into getting it, but the pistachio ice cream [$3] sounded irresistible. It’s made by a local company, Ice Cream Alchemy, and was the most pistachio-y pistachio ice cream that has ever melted on my tongue with some pistachios to chew on in the aftermath.
I have to say my experience was pretty delightful in every aspect of my meal, especially in service…so get over to the Pizzeria and get in da Lupo! After all, who doesn’t like cheesy endings?!
Pica's Taqueria
by Andrew Woodman on March 14, 2011
5360 Arapahoe Avenue
Boulder, Colorado 80303
Pica’s menu/info
As I twisted and turned my way past a drive-thru line that was predominated by Wendy’s seekers, I finally parked and went into Pica’s. It was then that a decorated light switch cover ended my search for Boulder’s finest Mexican food.
The panel is decked out with images from a Mexican card game, Lotería, which has rules akin to Bingo and just so happens to be the name of my all time favorite Mexican food restaurant, Lotería Grill in Los Angeles, CA.
Pica’s is brightly painted with an assortment of colors, and even though it has a modern atmosphere it still has an antique wooden feel. This is the type of place where you have to get your own silverware, and are responsible for bussing your own dishes. I wasn’t sure about this at first, but after awkwardly sitting behind my empty plate wondering what to do, I quickly watched and learned from more experienced Pica’s guests. The custom made me feel included in the taqueria’s community, which by the way is made up of some very friendly employees who provide the hospitality necessary to make a small Mexican joint feel perfect.
Another thing that solidified Pica’s awesomeness in my mind was their vast selection of Jarritos sodas [$1.89]. I love them, and as pictured above I got the guava one. They also had the cane-sugared Mexican Coca-Cola (the best kind), all kinds of IZZE, and for the 21+ crowd they have more than enough to select from in terms of Mexican beers. As any good Boulder restaurant does, Pica’s also carry some great local brews, including Avery & Oskar Blues.
Hicieron uso de la consecuencias de consumir sildenafil dispersión. Sistemas venta sin receta de viagra de información para la evaluación de riesgos para el hombre. Mayor viagra playa del ingles parte por la ribera del lago de zúrich en el cantón de los grisones.
The food sealed the deal. It was obvious that this little taqueria knew its food just from peeking at the menu. My namesake theory held true when I asked the lady behind the counter what I should get, and she instantly recommended the Tacos Al Pastor [$7.95]. Tacos from a taqueria? It just makes sense…I haven’t had anything else from Pica’s to compare this to, but as I bit into the juicy achiote marinated pork that was roasted with pineapples and onions, I had that feeling that I sometimes get at restaurants that goes something like this: “I shall never order anything that is not this dish.” I will break this plan in (confident) hopes to have the same mental declaration about the next dish I have. The tacos had a little crunch to them, which I think I should be thanking the mysteriously flavorful achiote for. Also, the flashy green medley that topped off the tacos is cilantro + tomatillo + avocado salsa, which was they key to my Mexican-food-loving heart. Another also…Pica’s had wonderful black beans, one of my the defining characteristics of any Mexican food, in my opinion.
Although my tacos were too perfect to ruin with any hot sauce, I know that some people (like my roommate Will) must use hot sauce on everything. Nothing is spicy enough for these types of people, and they all have very specific preferences about the types of hot sauce they use. Pica’s knows this fact, and has prepared by having myriads of hot sauces available at your fingertips. Just look at this beautiful collection:
Without a doubt I’ll go back to Pica’s, and would recommend it to anyone as the best Mexican food in Boulder. Until I go back I’ll follow what they have to say on Twitter, keeping my eyes open for any deals to pounce on from this Boulder gem. Now that I’ve praised this place, I must admit that their name reminds me of that one Pokémon, Pikachu.
Moe's Broadway Bagel
by Hayley Hudson on March 11, 2011
2650 Broadway St / Menu
My first impression of Moe’s was that it was colorful.
The welcome banner, combined with the bright color scheme, did in fact make me feel welcome.
Moe’s offers an extensive variety of bagels and flavored cream cheeses, as well as sandwiches, soups, and pizza slices bigger than your head. My brother joined me for lunch, and I raised an eyebrow when I heard him order the “lite lunch special.” Light? He’s a high school senior. He’s tall. He’s male. He’s related to me. He can obviously eat a lot of food. However, I needn’t have worried.
“Lite Lunch” Pizza
These plates weren’t smaller than normal by any means. The pizza just happened to be large.
I ordered an everything bagel of average size but of exceptional taste.
It’s hardly detectable in the photo, but the light pink hue of the spread is attributed to a never-fail bagel condiment: lox. I also ordered my bagel toasted. I’ve heard rumors that die-hard bagel enthusiasts insist that bagels shouldn’t be toasted, but I don’t subscribe to that particular brand of food snobbery. When it came out slightly crunchy around the edges but still soft on the inside, I had no doubts that I did the right thing. I liked it better than anything I’ve ever ordered at Einstein’s (though Einstein’s is still worth a visit for their coffee selection).
My brother left satisfied, as anyone who eats that much pizza should, and I left excited to have found a new place to satisfy a bagel craving. At the start of our visit, I was almost lured into BreadWorks next door because it was drawing a bigger crowd than Moe’s on this particular day, but I stayed the course and reaped the benefits.
The Attic Bar & Bistro
by Andrew Woodman on March 8, 2011
949 Walnut Street
Boulder, Colorado 80302
The Attic’s menu/info
The Attic makes Monday my new favorite day: nothing could top off $5 burgers and Oskar Blues brews like a weekly foosball tournament. This place has quickly turned itself into a weekly tradition for me.
We came here with a party of 11, and were somehow expected to fit into this table:
Although normally I would feel cramped or claustrophobic—especially since most of the people in our party were strangers to me—it actually fit the mood of this loud bar scene pretty well. This is the kind of place that has several TVs all playing different sports games that I couldn’t care less about, but for some reason my eyes stayed glued to them. That was good though, because it gave me an outlet that prevented any awkward, forced moments with these people I was just getting to know.
I tried some of the soft pretzel appetizer [$6.25] that our table ordered. I glanced at it and instantly thought of this equation: overly salted = shriveled up tongue + empty glass of water. I was wrong. The salty flavor was perfectly complemented by the ridiculous amount of dijon mustard served with the dish. I wish I didn’t have to share this, but apparently sharing is caring.
If you couldn’t tell already, I am a huge believer in namesakes and self-titles. Naturally, I ordered the Attic burger [$5.00 on Mondays, $9.75 all other days]. How could I not? In addition to the usual lettuce and tomato, it sported smoked bacon and provolone on top of the Attic’s thick burger patty. To accompany all of this was my favorite food: caramelized onions. Normally I’m a fan of the thinner patty, but I was the first person to finish their burger at our table of 11, which made me feel self conscious about my eating habits, but also really says something about how much I enjoyed my burger. The answer is a lot. And for only 5 bucks?! Yes, please.
The waitress offered me several types of fries: steak, skinny, tots, SWEET POTATO?! Obviously I got the sweet potato fries, and I was excited. They could have been a little more crispy, but aside from that I gobbled up those skinny little sweet potato puppies like I had been starved for weeks. Delicious. (They are slightly hidden, hanging out in the background behind the above pictured Attic burger).
I was pretty pleased with my meal already, but to top it off The Attic carries the canned beer apocalypse that is Oskar Blues Brewery. As the pioneers of this newfound trend of canned beers, Oskar Blues and The Attic provided me with some Dale’s Pale Ale and some Mama’s Little Yella Pils to sip on. I’ve also tried their Old Chub Scotch Ale, which is highly alcoholic (8%) and hence delightful. The Attic normally offers a selection of Oskar Blues, but Monday comes with the discounted price of $3 (thanks, Monday!) And I got some free stickers and a candum/beer-cozy from an Oskar Blues rep named Alex who was there. In addition to the above links, check them out on Twitter, too.
The Attic redeems Monday from the day of misery to the day of enjoyment. If you think that’s impossible then go have an awesome, cheap burger and try out the Oskar Blues brews that I—and probably you—love so much. And if you happen to be a competitive, sober vegetarian who loves foosball, Monday night will suit you well, too.
Gindi Cafe
by Hayley Hudson on March 7, 2011
3601 Arapahoe
I found out about Gindi Cafe on Twitter after they tweeted about a lavender latte. I knew I had to get one because I’m a sucker for anything lavender. My roommate has a container of lavender honey from Williams-Sonoma that she said I could try, so now I try it almost daily.
After more Twitter stalking, I found out that the cafe closed down for a week in February to remodel and had just reopened with a bigger emphasis on pastries and coffee. I had never been to Gindi before the changes were implemented, but their (old) menu I found online looked delicious, so I went in hoping they hadn’t made too many changes.
Breakfast options were a bit limited for anyone wanting a meal more substantial than a coffee and a pastry. The breakfast panini seemed to be my only choice.The basic egg sandwich comes with a choice of spreads (zaatar spice, sundried tomato, or chipotle aioli) and can be supplemented with cheese, meat, or roasted vegetables. Despite its status as a default menu choice, the panini has potential for some creative flair, and I requested mine with goat cheese, sundried tomato spread, and vegetables. I especially liked the crunchy, buttery focaccia bread.
Excuse the stray egg.
Our paninis came with two complimentary cookies from the pastry counter. The cookie reminded me of a Keebler brand Sandie’s shortbread, the go-to cookie of my youth during Girl Scout cookie offseason. The jam and pistachios adorning it made it a bit fancier and also more delicious.
I loved my lavender latte, too.
Gindi also offers a blueberry syrup, which is another I’d be interested to try. Since the cookie and the coffee stood out to me more than my panini did, I’d say Gindi is doing a good job in their new emphasis on those areas. However, the sandwich still satisfied. Due to its size, I felt as though I actually had two sandwiches on my plate, so I was able to bring home leftovers for another meal.
Although Gindi masters the dainty details of shortbread cookies and floral coffee blends, they still cater to a crowd with a hearty appetite. You could sip your coffee with your pinky pointing skyward, but it’s nowhere near a requirement.
Tandoori Grill (lunch buffet)
by Andrew Woodman on March 6, 2011
619 South Broadway Street
Boulder, Colorado 80305
(303) 543-7339
Tandoori Grill’s menu (currently still dead)
This post is dedicated to Ali M. from Yelp. I am a strong believer in second chances and justice, so here you go.
Two posts ago I reviewed Tandoori Grill based on a variety of food that I ordered for dinner. If you didn’t catch this post, and are too lazy to go and read it, I’ll sum it up real quick. I got samosas and onion kulcha, I enjoyed the former and moderately enjoyed the latter. I also ordered a chai tea and a kabob sampler, both of which were rather disappointing. I rated this a 2 out of 5, which means that my overall experience wasn’t that good, but Tandoori Grill might have a few good dishes to choose from. Seeing as the kabob sampler was prepared using the very namesake of the restaurant (the tandoor clay oven), I thought it would be a fair representation of how they cook. It was juicy yet spiceless meat and I won’t take that back (sorry Ali). This makes for mediocre Indian cuisine in my opinion, but Ali insisted that I “need to go back ASAP,” so I did…and it was literally as soon as possible (the day after reading her comment).
Ali insisted that upon my return I must “order curry (duh!)” As a seasoned Indian food eater who wanted to branch out from the classic curried dishes, it didn’t seem all that obvious the first time around. I returned with my roommate Will, and I guess curry is really the defining dish at Tandoori Grill. I also guess stereotypes are true…
I had a lot of chicken curry from the lunch buffet, which was a huge flavor statement. The chicken required minimal chewing, as it fell apart in my mouth and exploded with Indian spices. Since it was the lunch buffet, they didn’t serve it that spicy (hot spicy, not spice spicy), so I look forward to coming back and trying some of the curry customized to my own spice preference. The buffet also featured saag paneer, the infamous Indian staple which is made from spinach + tofu-esque-cheese. Needless to say, it was awesome. I had an eggplant + potato dish too, which was good, but I didn’t want to fill up on it if I knew I could have more of the curry and saag. Here is a picture of my plate, which I tried to present as neatly as possible.

Starting from the big green blob and going counterclockwise: saag paneer, chicken curry, meatball masala, eggplant, and rice.)
There is one item on my plate I mentioned, but have yet to describe (I wanted to devote a whole paragraph to it). The highlight of the buffet—besides the fact that it was only $10 + change—was that creative masala dish that I had never seen before: meatballs. It took the classic meatball and simply cooked it in a rich, creamy masala sauce. If I wasn’t against the overuse of hyperboles, I’d say this mildly spiced dish was mind-blowing.
Tandoori’s buffet obviously shows off the items I should have ordered during my non-buffet experience. As I admit that I unfairly graded Tandoori Grill—at least as a whole—the first time around, I also do have to blame them for not naming their restaurant after what is arguably their best style dish: anything cooked in sauce. Their lunch buffet is incredibly cheap for what they serve, especially if you prepare by not eating for…a while. They also do a to-go option where you can pack a box until it is nearly impossible to close.
The buffet is definitely worth checking out, and if you order off the menu, be careful what you order or you will be misguided like I was. Sorry Tandoori Grill for completely disregarding you, and thanks Ali for showing me the curry.
Tandoori Grill
by Andrew Woodman on March 1, 2011
NOTE: Tandoori Grill’s lunch buffet strongly redeems the quality of their food that is portrayed in this post.
619 South Broadway Street
Boulder, Colorado 80305
(303) 543-7339
A dead link to Tandoori Grill’s menu (maybe it will work one day)
For an Indian restaurant located directly next door to an Indian grocery store, Tandoori Grill definitely missed the spice aisle.
I used to always pass this place and disregard it for no reason, but I finally decided to give it a shot. I walked in and was immediately surprised by a great restaurant atmosphere serving what seemed to authentic Indian cuisine. People (or in retrospect maybe just a bunch of actors) even seemed as if they were enjoying some Indian food.
With a complimentary serving of paratha (chickpea + cumin prepared like a chip) and some kind of tomato based sauce, I teased my hungry stomach with an Indian version of chips and salsa. Well, at least it would have been if the sauce didn’t actually remind me of salsa…but at least the paratha was good.
I always order a hot chai tea [$2.50] when I go out for Indian food, and it’s pretty uncommon for me to ever reject a free refill of anything that’s not water. I surprised myself when the waitress offered to top my cup off, and I declined. The tea was as weak as Courtney Love’s mental stability.
I got an order of some samosas [$3.99], a classic Indian starter that even Tandoori Grill could pull off. The crispiness of the fried pastry shell crunched perfectly into the fluffiness of the flavorful potatoes and peas on the inside. Mmm. It was accompanied by two sauces: tamarind sauce (it actually tasted like tamarinds) and some mint chutney (it actually tasted like a puréed cucumber).
I love onion naan, so it only seemed appropriate for me to get Tandoori’s equivalent: onion kulcha [$2.99]. This was also served with copious amounts of the tamarind sauce and the “mint” (cucumber) chutney. Granted it was a little doughier, I really didn’t understand why this wasn’t onion naan. Since I really liked it, I’ll accept the Indian kulcha for what it is.
The Kabob Sampler [$8.99] was the order that I was most excited for. I wasn’t really surprised when this dish was also served with the same two sauces as the two previous dishes (I already had plenty still leftover), but I was surprised by the lack of spice. While its presentation seems to be quickly thrown together by a hurried 4-year-old, this dish consists of ginger chicken (the white one), chicken tikka (the orange one), and lamb boti. Although the chicken was really moist and juicy, it just tasted like good chicken. There was by no means any real chicken tikka on my plate, and was by far and away the most mildly prepared Indian style meat I have ever had. At one point when I was chewing the chicken tikka, I thought I might have tasted an aftertaste of a spice, but I’m pretty sure it was only in my hopeful imagination. The ginger chicken was the same exact, and the lamb was equally as disappointing in it’s own chewy/uncuttable way.
It is possible I burned my tongue on the scorching hot chai and couldn’t taste these delicious spices, but I’m pretty sure that they just weren’t really there. Tandoori does offer a lunch special every day where you can endlessly gorge at their buffet for only $10. Regardless of quality, that’s a good deal and I’ll probably try it. By the by, any non-lunch-buffet meal cost just as much for the same amount of food at Himalayas (next to the Boulder Theatre on 14th/Spruce), which is much more authentic and can fill anyones spice preferences.